R3hab - Trouble

Although Dutch producer R3hab has been in the game since 2008, he debuted his first full album last year. Trouble is filled with catchy chopped vocal hooks and lush vocals. The lyrical content makes more sense than the vast majority of pop music out today. 

“I Just Can’t” is a butterflies in your stomach young love track which is immediately balanced by a light and airy lost love track, “ Talking To You,” featuring Rynn

Towards the end of the album, there are 3 consecuative songs that are all competing for the title of my favorite; “Hold Me”, “Killing Time”, & “Hallucinations”.  All great tracks. Trouble then end with a festival style track “Marrakech”.  

A wonderful, well written album and a great listen start to finish. 

If you like the album, be sure to listen to his latest tracks.